Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Applying practical methods to work
Here at APPLYWORKS, we strive to apply practical solutions to solve our customers' IT problems. Beyond solutions that simply works, our hope is that you will find our methods work simply.

Contact us

The best way to contact us will be through WhatsApp. Click the logo to start a chat with us.

Remote Support

Remote support speeds up response times while lowering your cost for support. You will be able to see exactly what we are doing on your device. At any time that you are not comfortable, you can press the [Esc] key at the top left of your keyboard to end the remote session.

The TeamViewer QS app that you have downloaded is a small program that does not need any installation. Simply run it after downloading. Then let our support tech know the ID and password.


We welcome like-minded partners seeking to collaborate on quality solutions for your customers. Write to us at the email address below.


Enjoy peace of mind knowing that we got your back to keep your office chugging along peacefully. We'll check that you have the firewall in place to keep the bad out. But not like an egg which is hard on the outside and soft on the inside. We also check that your PCs have the anti-virus and authentications to protect what you have inside your office. But if the bad do get in, we'll ensure you can recover with redundancies and backups.
This is a post-paid service. Our ad-hoc rate is also our published rate. Currently, it is SGD180 per hour.
Our Standard Plan is a pre-paid service. With this plan, you enjoy 25% off our published rate.
For the most savings, go with our Annual Maintenance Plan. With this plan, you get 40% off our published rate.
We've been offering this for a while now. It's been working well for both our customers and us. So this is making it official.
All cases that are resolved within 5 minutes will not be charged. We'd still record the work so that you have an audit log of all works done.
If total labour within each month is less than an hour, we'll waive the bill. We'd still record the work so that you have an audit log of all works done.
We don't bill you until the problem is resolved. This is our promise.
To support you effectively, our process must be clear. We must be able to tell the Who/When/What/How at our fingertips. Who reported the case. When was it reported. What was the problem. How was it resolved? Above all, we must be secure with our communication with you.
All case details are stored securely in Salesforce, including who called, when was the call made, description of the problem and how was the problem was resolved.
No passwords will be sent by email. To ensure passwords are confidential, as far as possible, we will communicate password as an image through WhatsApp and then deleted from our side.
We have a process to ensure that any support provided to your staff is authorized. It must also be quick and easy for the staff to follow.
It's not good enough to sit and wait for users to report a problem before reacting. We must be able to tell when a problem occur. Then jump in quickly to mitigate the issue before it affects users.
We've invested in TeamViewer subscription to monitor all your servers, POS devices, etc. The moment any of them go offline, we'll know.
We configure email alerts on NAS, UPS, printers, etc, and any network device that has this feature. So whenever there is a power failure, or hardware failure, impending battery failure, low toner, etc, we can proactively take mitigation steps.
Our operation hours are between 9:00AM to 6:00PM from Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays. After operation hours support is chargeable at 2x of our published rate. (Our ad-hoc rate is currently our published rate.)
Remote support include case resolution over the phone, email, TeamViewer, Remote Desktop, or any means at our discretion without being physically present on site.
On-site support is provided at our prevailing published rate per hour, or part of. Remote support is provided in quarter hour increments pro-rated from our published rate. (Our ad-hoc rate is currently our published rate.)
Minimum sign-up for all pre-paid plans is 36 hours.